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B Positive Choir  2021 FA Cup Finals at Wembley Stadium

Emirates FA Cup Final

The Choir was proud to perform Abide with Me as part of the traditional opening ceremony at the Emirates FA Cup Final at Wembley Stadium 

in 2021 and accompanied by The Coldstream Guards we lifted the attending crowed to sing at full voice to the traditional opening song at the start of the

FA Cup Final


Our final rehearsal with the ColdStream guards as we sing "Abide with me" for the opening ceremony of the 2021 FA Cup Final at Wembley Stadium. 

B Positive Choir at the 2021 FA Cup Finals
The 140th FA Cup Final | Chelsea v Leicester City | Player Walkouts & National Anthem | 2020-21

The 140th FA Cup Final | Chelsea v Leicester City | Player Walkouts & National Anthem | 2020-21

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